Sylvanus Viashima, Jalingo.

There was tension in Jalingo, the Taraba state capital on Friday as members of Commercial Tricycle Riders Association mobilize heavy protest over the killing of their member in the late hours of Thursday by unknown persons.

The commercial Tricycle ridder who is identified as Yahuza Abubakar was killed and his body dumped at River Nunkai Bridge along Roadblock to ATC road.

The chairman of the Association Alhaji Abdulahi Bello, whi confirm that one of his members was killed in the late hours of Thursday by yet unidentified persons, said that the persons made away with his tricycle after slaughtering him.

“One of the boys who rode Keke NAPEP in the night was slaughtered by unknown persons in the late hours of Thursday, the people killed and dumped his body at River Nukkai Bridge, and left with his Keke.

“In the early hours of today, his colleagues went on protest, blocking the major road at ATC and Micheline Round About, the protest was hijacked by some hoodlums who also came and attacked my office. I had to call the police and the military for intervention”.

Our correspondent while going round the state capital discovered that youths in their hundreds were on streets with light arms like sticks, iron rods and axe in protest against the killing of the cyclist.

The protesters also smashed vehicles of the people who were passing through the roads while some shop owners at the main roads deserted for fear of been attack.

The police public relations officer PPRO Taraba state command Usman Abubakar confirm the killing of the commercial cyclist, the PPRO also confirm that the protesters have hijacked the body of the deceased against the wish of the police who were at the scene to investigate the matter.

“On arrival, the police who were sent to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of the decease were not allowed by the protesters to conduct their job, the protesters forcefully took away the corps for burial at Malun village, an out sketch of Jalingo.